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Articles by this author

“Be Open to Radically Different Points of View”: Nathan Robinson Explains the Merits of Democratic Socialism

Phillipian Commentary: Right Idea, Wrong Approach

2019 Student-Body Copresident Candidates

Kaitlin Lim ’20 and Anjalie Kini ’19 Receive Aspirations in Computing Award

Phillipian Satire: Overheard Pickup Lines

Andy Xu ’19, Justin Chang ’19, and Kevin Hou ’19 Recognized as Regeneron Science Talent Search Semi-Finalists

Phillipian Satire: Find Out Why You’re Single!

Phillipian Satire: Love Playlist

Phillipian Satire: Illegal Parietal Alternatives

Phillipian Satire: Blind Date: ‘I think his credit card got declined?’

Campus Comics: Happy Valentine’s Day

“Floating World” by John Schulz: Gelb Gallery Exhibit Uses Old-Time Comics To Create New Meaning

Look of the Week: Victor Malzahn ’21 Wears Beanies in a “Southern California Meets New England” Style

Af-Lat-Am Potluck Brings Both Food and Culture to the Table

Artist Feature: Alice Ren ’19 Draws Inspiration from Everyday Objects

Lunar New Year Dinner Celebrates Diverse Traditions with Performance, Presentations, and Platters

Phillipian Satire: Rejected Superbowl Ads

Phillipian Satire: Classifieds For The Lovelorn: Paul Franklin Holt Bitler

Phillipian Satire: Overheard On The Paths

Phillipian Satire: 8P Reviews Technology: Phone Week

Phillipian Satire: Campus Conspiracy Theorist Whips Up Theory On Missing Trees

Phillipian Satire: The Week’s Top Headlines

Commentary: On Religious Institutions: Be Aware

Commentary: Stir Fry with a Side of Ethical Concerns: Aramark at Andover

Commentary: Terror and Terrorism in the Phillipines

Boys Squash Places Second at High School Nationals

Indoor Track and Field: Senior Reflections

Indoor Track and Field: Coach Features

Super Bowl LIII a “Duel of Wits”

Experience Vs. Inexperience

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