Following his father’s footsteps, Andover Boys Swimming and Diving Co-Captain Theo Randall ’23 joined a competitive swimming team at just six years old in hopes of swimming at the high school and collegiate level. Now, Randall serves as a vocal and outgoing leader for Andover’s team.
This season, the Junior Varsity and Varsity Swimming and Diving teams have had joint practices, sharing workouts and lanes. With 40 athletes and a wider range of skill levels present during practice, Randall prioritizes forming an environment that is welcoming and inclusive to everyone.
“So we have about 40 kids in the pool at the same time, and all competing for the same team. So I want to make sure that every single person out of those 40 feels like they’re included and feels like they’re a part of the team [and] certainly [do not] feel left out, especially not because of differences in ability or anything like that. So I want to make sure that everyone feels part of the team,” said Randall.
Oliver Feng ’25 greatly appreciated Randall’s outreach when he became Co-Captain. Since the beginning of the season, Randall has made an effort to speak to all of his teammates, relaying information from coaches.
“My first impression of Theo is that he was really nice and made sure to get to know everyone on the team. Theo communicates with the team through group chats and emails, and he makes sure to coordinate with our coach to let us know the information about when to be on the bus or at practice. He’s very kind and he’s optimistic and very encouraging, [so] all the people on the team feel motivated,” said Feng.
Sharing a similar sentiment to Feng, Co-Captain Chris Xia ’23 noted how Randall is a well-spoken captain who never fails to remain in communication with the team. Xia appreciates Randall’s transparency and approachability, even when put on the spot in stressful situations.
“Theo, out of the three of us, is the most outgoing… He’s willing to do a lot of the talking, which I think is really beneficial especially when me or Trey, when neither of us really feel comfortable. [When] bringing up a touchy subject with the coach or maybe some of the other swimmers, Theo is always willing to speak up about certain issues like that, which is very nice,” said Xia
Randall hopes to use small gestures to uplift and commend teammates. Though simple, acts like fist bumps can build a stronger team community, according to Randall.
“My big thing is after every race…I like to go around and give everyone high-fives and fist bumps and that kind of thing. So I hope that by me doing so, other people follow my lead. So just the simple gestures like that [can] go a long way to help us stay connected and even do better and know that you have people cheering for you,” said Randall
By the end of the season, Randall aims to have each of his teammates achieve a personal best time. Not only would this reflect the team’s hard work, but it would also serve as a memorable season for the captains, according to Randall.
“My goal, along with probably most of the other captains as well, is to get our entire team to improve by the end of the year. So in our championship meet, at the end of the year, I want every single person on the team to have a personal best time. So that means that every single race every, single time they swim, I want them to improve, and do the best they ever have in their life… It’s ambitious,” said Randall.
Randall will be continuing his academic and athletic career at Williams College next fall.