About The Phillipian

Veritas Super Omnia: Truth Above All

First printed in 1857, The Phillipian is Phillips Academy’s weekly student newspaper. Entirely uncensored and student run, the paper is distributed every Friday from September to June.

The Phillipian is 16-20 pages long and consists of five sections: News, Commentary, Sports, Arts and The Eighth Page. Each issue reports on campus news, athletics and performances, publishes insightful opinion pieces and provides original humor.


The Phillipian operates on the following principles:

  1. The Phillipian strives to maintain professional standards of accuracy, objectivity and fairness at all times.
  2. Staff members have the right to report on and editorialize about all topics, events or issues, including those unpopular or controversial.
  3. The Phillipian will not publish anything obscene, libelous, or detrimental to the immediate material and physical stability of the school.
  4. The paper shall not be subjected to prior restraint, review or censorship.
  5. Staff members have the obligation to learn and observe the legal and ethical responsibilities expected of them as practicing journalists.
  6. The Editor in Chief assumes total responsibility for their publication.


Students involved in organizations covered by The Phillipian will not play any role in assigning, writing, producing, or editing content regarding said organizations.

The Phillipian welcomes all letters to the Editor. We try to print all letters, but because of space limitations, we enforce a 500-word limit. We reserve the right to edit all submitted letters. Letters must be responses to articles already published by The Phillipian. We will not publish any anonymous letters. Please submit letters by the Monday of each week to phillipian@phillipian.net or to our newsroom in the basement of Morse Hall.

To subscribe, email subscribe @phillipian.net, or write to The Phillipian, 180 Main Street, Andover, Mass., 01810. All contents of The Phillipian copyright © 2025, The Trustees of Phillips Academy, Inc. Reproduction of any material herein without the expressed written consent of The Trustees of Phillips Academy, Inc. and the Editorial Board of The Phillipian is strictly prohibited.