
Arts Previews Fall Weekend Events

Video Dance (Saturday)

The Smith Center will come alive this Saturday as students gather to the school’s first dance of the year. The Video Dance gets its name from the large screen projectors that line the gym wall and play the newest music videos. Don’t come exactly at 8:30 p.m. because the Smith Center will most likely be deserted. Show up fashionably late, bring some friends and get ready to show off your moves.

Quad Day (September)

Get ready for a day filled with fun in the sun, good food and good company at the annual Quad Day, hosted by neighboring clusters West Quad North and West Quad South. There will be outdoor games, booths offering mouth-watering snacks, and Taylor Hall will offer its famous $5 kisses. Stop by for as long as you want and get in on the fun.

Grasshopper Night (October)

The biggest student talent show of the year, Grasshopper Night, also known as “G-hop,” will feature Andover’s best talents. Student MCs provide hilarious entertainment between the various student acts. The show is so popular that students start lining up for tickets over three hours in advance. Don’t worry—there is also a waiting list in case you didn’t get the tickets you hoped for. With a circus themed show this year, there are bound to be plenty of outstanding acts.

Halloween Dance (October)

You won’t miss any Halloween fun while living at Andover at the Halloween Dance in the gym. Come join the fun with the usual witches and vampires as well as morph-suit men and much more. Best costume wins a prize, so stretch your imagination and get creative!

International Festival (November)

The annual iFest hosted by International Club brings cultures from across the globe together. Get a taste of global cuisine through iFeast, the food bazaar, filled with a varied selection of delicacies. Continue to enjoy culture through the International Talent and Fashion Show and finish the the festival with iRave, a dance that will play tunes ranging from K-pop to Bollywood music.

Sadie Hawkins (November)

One of the two semi-formal dances of the year, Sadie has a twist- Girls get to ask guys to this dance. Girls, you still have plenty of time before November, so no need to start worrying just yet. Boys, though girls will be asking, you should still buy the flowers.

Andover/Exeter Weekend (November)

For a change, trade your blue apparel for some geeky-looking red argyle socks and red suspenders for the Exeter Geek Day. To get the whole student body pumped up for the Andover/Exeter games, students dress up as Exonians to satirize Exeter’s geekiness. The following day, the whole campus will show its Andover love by dressing in blue from head to toe for True Blue Day. Don’t miss out on the Pep Rally because the Varsity teams and Blue Key Heads will be getting the whole school pumped up with their comical skits. Get psyched for game day and show your Big Blue pride!