
Andover Dominates at Deerfield and Wins New England’s; Girls 4×100 Sets School Record

Led by a 29-point performance from Captain Malcolm Mason Rodriguez ’11 and a record-breaking race in the 4 x 100 from a team of Captain Aniebiet Abasi ’11, Diana Tchadi ’14, Rebecca Wagman ’13 and Alexis Walker ’12, both Andover Boys and Girls Track won the New England Prep School Division 1 Track Championships held at Deerfield this past Saturday. Winning their second straight championship, the boys compiled a total of 98 points to take first place. The girls ended up winning their fourth consecutive championship with a total of 150.33 points, the highest total amount scored by any team in the last ten years.

Coach Lang said, “It was the boys second title in a row and they won it in dramatic fashion. With only three events remaining, the boys were in third place. Clutch performances in the triple jump sealed the win.”

In his outstanding performance, Rodriguez not only took first place in the triple jump with a 47 foot 3.75 inch jump but he also placed first in the long jump with a 23 foot 7.25 inch jump. He crossed the finish line second in the 110M hurdles with a time of 16.06 seconds.

In the 800M, Captain Patrick Wolber ’11 finished in 1:57:57 to take third. He also took second place in the 1500M with a time of 4:03.21, while Renat Zalov ’11 finished third with a 4:04.12. Continuing his success in the high jump, Gibby Graves ’11 took third, leaping 6 foot 2 inches high.

Brendan Rankowitz ’11 and James Cassleberry ’11 both had successful days in the throwing competitions. Rankowitz threw for second in the javelin with a 171 foot 9 inch throw, while Casselberry earned first with a 146 foot 3 inch throw in the discus.

Loomis Chaffee came in behind Andover with 88 points, while Choate Rosemary Hall followed right behind with 87 points. Andover finished first of the twelve teams.

For the girls, Walker took second place in the 100M with a 12.61, in addition to running in the 4 x 100 team that broke the school record in an incredible 49.5 seconds and finished first. Chioma Ngwudo ’11 took first in both the shot put and discus with throws of 34 feet 11.5 inches and 120 foot 5 inches. Coach Lang said, “Alexis Walker and Chioma Ngwudo ’11 led the girl’s team with a strong supporting cast.” Minymoh Anelone ’12 finished second in the shot put with a 33 foot 8 inch throw in the shot put, while Kayla Rosario ’11 took second place in the discus with a 105 foot 8 inch throw.

The girls 4×400 team of Shannon Adams ’12, Wagman, Tafarii McKenzie ’12 and Jasmine Edison ’11 also took first place finishing in 4:04.51, just 0.02 seconds from the school record. Edison also placed third in the 800M with a 2:21.54. Orie Idah ’11 took first in the triple jump, jumping 35 feet 5.25 inches. In the javelin, Jamie Shenk ’12 threw the farthest with a 115 foot 8 inch throw, while Kemi Amurawayie ’11 took second with a 107 foot 6 inch throw.

The girls finished first place out of eleven teams, ahead of second place Exeter, who scored 113 points and third place NMH who finished with 67 points.