
Zack Boyd ’10 Tackles the College Application Process; Applies Early to North Carolina State

Zack Boyd ’10 is keeping his options open as he begins the college admissions process. A Co-Captain of the Andover football team and a three-year varsity football player at Andover, Boyd aspires to play college football. “I’m from North Carolina, so I’m looking at a lot of schools there first,” said Boyd. “I’m also looking at military academies like Army and Navy.” Although he is considering many top universities for football, Boyd does not have any top choices. “I try to keep an open mind,” he said. Boyd is applying early action to two schools. “I’m also applying early to North Carolina State and South Carolina, which were the ‘likely’ schools my college counselor gave me,” he said. “So hopefully I’ll get in and find out in December.” Boyd said that Army, North Carolina State, University of Richmond, Colgate University and Cornell University are also interested in him for football. “I am a little worried that schools will just zero in on SAT scores and stuff like that instead of looking at the overall package. At some schools, this is a process where admissions can’t get to know you and you just become another number out of thousands, and that’s a little freaky,” Boyd said. “Emotionally, I’m a little stressed, but just as stressed as anyone else is. I’m not really pointed at one particular school. Some are really stressed about apps for that one school, like for Duke or Yale, for example, but I’m just really keeping an open mind,” he said. He added, “That open-mindedness makes me more laid-back. I’m excited more than anything else. Andover is demanding, and you want to see how your work pays off.” “Kids here, especially, get lost in the whole Ivy League thing, but there’s a whole bunch of schools that are really good everywhere else,” Boyd said. “Each school has their own good thing.” Boyd has taken the SAT twice, and plans on taking SAT subject tests in history and literature. Boyd said that he is interested in majoring in international relations or pre-law. He also is interested in military service and the arts. Like most other Seniors, Boyd is looking forward to finishing his applications. “I’m definitely going to be nervous about some schools, but I kind of have it planned,” he added. “I did most of the [application] work over the summer because I knew that once school got started I wouldn’t be able to fit the work into my schedule,” Boyd said. Boyd found this method very helpful. “Get it done over the summer,” he said. When asked if he had any dreams of the NFL, Boyd laughed. “Yeah, sure,” he said. “I’d love to play for the Carolina Panthers. We’ll see. I’ve got some work to do.” — This article has been revised to include the following correction: CORRECTION: November 13, 2009 The article “Zack Boyd ’10 Tackles the College Application Process; Applies Early to North Carolina State,” incorrectly reported that Boyd was being recruited to play football by the University of Colorado at Boulder. It also incorrectly reported that he applied Early Decision. Boyd applied Early Action to two universities.