
Green Cup Challenge Planned Again for 2008

Planning is underway for this year’s Green Cup Challenge. The GCC, tentatively set for January 28 to February 24, is an inter-school competition designed to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness on environmental issues. This year, Phillips Academy is one of more than 30 schools participating in the month-long competition. Energy consumption will be monitored at each school for a “baseline” period, which occurs before the tenure of the actual Green Cup Challenge. When the challenge begins, schools compete to reduce their energy consumption and are measured in comparison to their baseline. Awards will be given to the school with the largest percent decrease in energy consumption, best video for advocating sustainability, most Green Cup spirit and the most creative Green Cup curriculum. Last year, Andover came in eighth place with a 3.5 percent decrease in energy conservation. First place was awarded to the Millbrook School, which had an impressive 16.3 percent decrease. This year, Rebecca Bogdanovitch, Sustainability Coordinator, will be attending the annual conference on November 11 as a representative for Phillips Academy. Bogdanovitch will be accompanied to the conference by student environmental-leaders known as “Environmental Stewards.” Alison Kent ’08, an Environmental Steward, said she is excited for this year’s Green Cup. Kent added that she hopes the Environmental Stewards will be the “Green Keys” of Phillips Academy and bring spirit and excitement to the school with a focus on being environmentally friendly. Students discussed ideas at an informational meeting about the Green Cup Challenge led by Bogdanovitch on Wednesday night. Attending students hope to promote sustainable behavior and thinking in the student body this year. Students discussed the possibility of a proposal for an Abbot Grant to create plaques in various locations on campus reminding students of the “little things” that can be done to save energy, such as turning the lights off. Students also discussed the possibility of holding film screenings of “An Inconvenient Truth,” or hosting a Green Cup dance to emphasize saving energy. Other promotional activities may include zero impact meals, a talent show, dating game, a game show or other awareness-raising entertainment.