
Co-Captain Emily Mara ’25: A Bubbly Personality and a Play-Maker on the Field

The thrill of competition and the reward of triumph come hand-in-hand in driving Co-Captain Emily Mara ’25 on the soccer field. As a Division I commit to Boston College, Mara has displayed her extensive soccer skills and athleticism throughout her high school career, receiving the likes of her teammates.

Although Mara began her soccer career after her parents encouraged her at the age of two, she persisted and learned to love the sport and the competition. Mara is now the captain of Girls Soccer for the second season. 

Mara said, “I really love competing and playing in games. I love to win. I love going into hard games and not knowing what the outcome will be, but still working hard to get that victory nonetheless.”

While leading the team, Mara emphasizes accountability and camaraderie as the basis for an elite performance on the field. She focuses on uplifting her teammates and fostering a driven work ethic.

 “I strive to make us all a very united team, almost like a family, both on and off the field so we all feel comfortable playing with each other, but also holding each other to high standards. I try to emphasize that we can and will win games. We like to keep practices high intensity, we like to make sure we’re all prepared before a game and communicating, just making sure everyone understands their role in the team and how to execute it,” said Mara.

Murathime Daisley ’26 noted Mara’s bubbly personality and how she challenges her teammates to grow on the field. 

“She leads by positivity and energy and by example, plays her hardest all the time, and she’s always hungry. As a Captain, she’s very encouraging. She sees me trying my best and trying something new and always tries to make it known that I’m doing good,” said Daisley.

Mara described herself as extremely competitive and hardworking and explained that it is reflected in her greatest strengths and weaknesses. 

“One of my weaknesses is making sure to keep composure when the refs are bad or if frustrating plays are happening.”

When asked about Mara’s strengths, Daisley stressed the persevering and positive atmosphere Mara and the other Co-Captains always strive to achieve. 

Daisley said, “As an athlete, her strengths really lie in how she’s so tenacious and aggressive and wants to win all the time, which is amazing and trumps all skills that anyone could have. As a leader, her strength really is her amazing, fun energy like I said before. Sometimes when we think of leaders we think of strict, stone-faced leaders but she has such a bubbly personality.”

Ashley Dimnaku ’28 shared similar sentiments to Daisley, emphasizing Mara’s impact on everyone through her intensity and positive attitude during practices and games. 

“Emily is a great leader because she’s always working really hard on the team and just always staying positive, always reminding everyone that we can and will win, which makes everybody else work harder and lifts us all up,” said Dimnaku.

Although Mara has been committed to the Eagles for a year and a half, she still harbors lots of ambitious excitement and care for her last high school season.

Mara said, “We’re trying to win as many games as possible with the goal of making [the] playoffs.”