
Andover Golf Triumphs Despite New Format and Poor Weather Conditions

Sebastian Monetmayor ’27 reads his putt for a 30 foot birdie to win a point on the second hole.

The Andover Co-ed Golf Team takes a team photo after taking the victory from Exeter.

Wednesday 4/10 – Andover: 2.5 , Exeter: 1.5

On Wednesday, Golf (2-0) played against Phillips Exeter Academy (Exeter) and took home a win. The format was atypical, as players partnered up and played for points in respective categories. The categories experimented with were the “best ball,” “scramble,” and “alternate shot.” In the week leading up to the match, the team had to adapt to some unfortunate weather conditions.

Kevin Zheng ’26 highlighted how, due to unstable weather, the team wasn’t able to practice outside often as they prepared for the matches on Wednesday. The team was able to shift towards a golf simulator; however, their time on it was limited. While being adaptive, the team made the most of the situation and worked on its short game.

“[The] unpredictable New England weather has halted us [from being] able to play in the field. The weather this past week for the rest of week interrupts our practice once more, while our team is eager to practice, we only have 30-minute slots in the simulator. We all [have] been working on our short-game and our tempo which have greatly improved our consistency,” said Zheng.

Evan DeMayo ’26 highlighted Lucas Lee ’25 and Zheng as they implemented some crucial shots that heavily influenced the score of the game.

“Lucas Lee made some lengthy putts to keep his team in contention. Kevin Zheng made a great par save on the eighth to go one up — I, playing alongside Kevin, parred the ninth to make us finish two up, lending Andover the deciding point.”

According to Zheng, Co-Captains Heyon Choi ’24 and Logan Eskildsen ’24 have created a major impact on the team dynamic, working diligently to bring everyone together for the love of the sport and the school.

Zheng said, “Heyon and Logan have truly stood out, not just as co-captains but also as golfers. This season, they are leading the charge in fostering team spirits. For instance, they have been actively organizing group practice before the season starts. Our team has set up a group chat to ensure everyone’s voice is heard… These may seem like small gestures, but they carry significant meaning and remind us that we are united in representing our Big Blue spirit.”

Zheng noted the high standard that Head Coach Brian Faulk ’00 holds the players to. Zheng shared that this standard motivates the players to perform well and remain undefeated. Looking ahead, the team is hopeful that weather and course conditions will improve.

“We have clinched our second win of the season and are undefeated. The competition in the field remains fierce, and we are eager to keep homing in [on] our skills. Coach Faulk holds [a] high bar for himself and our team. Here is to hoping for warmer weather and better course conditions soon, so we can all go out practice and compete to the fullest.”

Golf looks forward to hosting Holderness at home on Saturday.