In her third year on Girls Varsity Soccer, Sarah Humes ’16 has played an especially crucial role in the team’s success this year. With goals in four consecutive games, including a game-tying shot from outside the box against St. Paul’s this past Saturday, Humes’ efforts have proved pivotal in Andover’s offensive attack.
Humes began to play soccer when she was five years old and began competing at a higher level by eight. Humes, although not the most vocal member of the team, sets a strong precedent for her teammates through the example she sets. She is marked by her strong technical skills and work ethic, which her teammates aspire to emulate.
Humes’s innate leadership make players want to follow in her footsteps. Tookie Wilson ’18, a newcomer to the team, said, “[Humes] is one of the quieter members of the team but has a way of motivating everyone to do well. She is a big role model just by being herself and always works hard during practice. If you just watch [Humes], she’s really impressive and motivates you to play [at her skill level].”
With so many years of experience under her belt, Humes is comfortable with the game and always able to remain collected on the field.
Head Coach Lisa Joel added, “[Humes] exudes a quiet confidence. We simply feel better when she is on the field. [Humes] knows how to win, and she loves to compete – the harder the challenge, the more she wants it. We have younger players who we hope will emulate [Humes] once she is gone though, indeed, she is impossible to replace. Her presence, physically and emotionally, sets us all at ease.”
Humes’s sustained success on the field warrants her title as The Phillipian’s “Athlete of the Week.”
What inspired you to begin playing soccer? What led you to play at such a competitive level?
Both my older sisters and brother played soccer, and I wanted to be like them. My sister, Leah, came here and played. Now she is playing in college, and I want to [follow in her footsteps and] play in college.
What is your favorite thing about Girls Varsity Soccer?
Girls Varsity Soccer is always a really close team. I want everyone to take in every second of it because it is the best part of Andover for me – the fall especially.
What do you feel is your biggest strength?
My biggest strength is probably my height and experience. I usually tower over a lot of other players, which gives me an advantage to win the ball. It also allows me to do a lot of headers and be a target on corner kicks. Since I’ve been playing soccer for such a long time, I have a lot of experience on the field, which gives me confidence and helps with my soccer.
What do you feel you contribute to the team now that you are a Senior?
As a Senior, you have all the younger girls on the team looking up to you. I like to lead by example more so than being vocal. If we are in a slump during a game, the Seniors try to step it up, knowing that the other girls will follow.
Do you have any goals for the rest of the season?
I hope we end the season strong and make the tournament. Our team has so much potential, and I’m positive we can win the rest of our games. My goal is to help the team achieve this goal anyway that I can!