Created early last Spring, the Sisterhood is a campus group that offers underrepresented women of color mentorship, along with the opportunity to discuss and explore their experiences at Andover.
“[The Sisterhood] creates a community that caters to the hardships and triumphs of being an underrepresented woman of color at Andover,” said Alex Thomas ’15, a member of the Sisterhood’s board.
“It’s essential that underrepresented girls of color at Andover have a place to share their experiences with people who can directly relate. It creates a safe environment for girls to discuss the implications of the intersectionality of their race and gender with girls who understand,” she continued.
The group meets for weekly Sunday brunches and occasional outings to Lawrence, Mass.
The board of the Sisterhood consists of Thomas, Alba Disla ’15, Charlie Jarvis ’15 and Kayla Thompson ’15. LaShawn Springer is the group’s faculty advisor.
“The group encourages friendship, leadership, academic excellence and confidence and community,” Thomas added.
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Read about the other support groups at Andover covered in this week’s issue, and stay tuned for an exploration of religious affinity groups next week.
– [Outliers Book Club](
– [AMP Mentoring](
– [MOSAIC Mentoring](
– [Post-Graduate Support Program](
– [New Upper Support Program](
– [GLP Mentoring Program](
– [The Brotherhood](