
PA Girls Squash Struggles With Three Losses; Several Tight Matches Prove to be Deciding Factor

Lauren Wilmarth ’09 refused to surrender in her match against Exeter last Saturday. Her fierce play and determination propelled her to a 3-2 upset. Despite her inspiring win, Andover Girls Squash ended its three-game winning streak with losses to Exeter, Deerfield and Groton. Lizzy Chan ’08 and Nicole Duddy ’08 both took control of their matches against Deerfield. Chan defeated her opponent in a short three games. Duddy won her match in four games. Although Duddy’s opponent placed her shots well, Duddy showed a forceful serving performance. Despite the team’s best efforts, it could not pull through to beat Deerfield. Nicole Wagner ’09 had a close five-game match, but was unable to finish with a win. Despite her victorious start to the game, Wagner fell two games to three. Captain Brown ’09, the number two position, Lydia Smith ’09 and Wilmarth all lost their matches. The team lost momentum and failed to regain its foothold. On Saturday, Andover battled archrival Phillips Exeter Academy but faced a disappointing defeat. Smith took control of her match against Exeter. With her powerful serve and pristine placement of her shots, she forcefully took control of the rest of the match and won in a quick three-games. Tied at two games each, Wilmarth and Smith fought hard and were tied again 8-8 near the end of the match. However, Wilmarth soon pulled through winning her last game 10-8, earning herself an overall match win 3-2. Despite both Smith’s and Wilmarth’s defeats, the team ended up falling to Exeter 2-5. Looking to redeem itself from the losses last weekend, the Andover Girls Squash team faced Groton Academy at home this past Wednesday. However, the team could not find victory in a single match: Groton defeated Andover 0-7. Captain Brown had an extremely well-played match against her Groton opponent. She started out strong and rallied back and forth until the game stood tied at 8-8. Despite Captain Brown’s best efforts she lost her first match by a narrow score 10-8. But she refused to lose momentum. Unfortunately Captain Brown was unable to squeeze out a game victory and fell to her opponent in a three game match. With its record now 4-7, Andover is looking for another win this Saturday against Middlesex Academy.