The Eighth Page

PA Mobile Site Upgraded

Where are the answers to all of our questions? Advisors, friends, teachers and house counselors are just not enough to answer the ever-lasting list of questions we have here at Andover.

Search the all new Andover mobile app, which includes many new features. Ever wanted to know the chances of you and your love being together? This app has a love calculator installed with the student directory built in. It has a horoscope which will tell you which day you will do best on your quiz. No need to wander around Paresky Commons searching for a good dessert–know ahead of time with the app’s Paresky Commons dessert menu. Have weekly top 10 de-stress tips at the touch of your fingers. That long walk downtown won’t be needed anymore with an online CVS app, where you can order things straight to your dorm, COUPONS INCLUDED.

And finally, be prepared for what you have in store for you next class with teacher mood updates every hour.

With the new Andover mobile app, daily life will be more informative, entertaining and simple.