
Campus is Cookin’: Chicken Cheese Quesadilla

Add a Mexican flare to your lunch with an easy-to-make, mouthwatering chicken and veggie quesadilla. This recipe will provide a simple way to make a nutritious meal without any mess or rush.

First, take two pieces of pita bread. For a healthy alternative, substitute whole wheat pita bread for white pita bread. Cover one piece of pita bread with several cheese slices, which you can find on the second floor deli bar. American cheese is recommended because it melts easily.

Next, make your way to the first floor salad bar to give your quesadilla some filling. On top of your slice of cheese-covered pita bread, add a handful of shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, black beans and grilled chicken.

For vegetarians, tofu can substitute the chicken. To add a little spice to your quesadilla, add some jalapeno peppers or hot peppers from the spaghetti bar. Avoid putting in too much spice because the heat will take away the flavor from the quesadilla.

Place a cheese slice on top of the veggies and chicken, and carefully lay another piece of pita bread on top of your quesadilla filling.

Listed above are the “traditional” quesadilla ingredients. After all, it is YOUR quesadilla! The recipe is flexible. You can always put additional ingredients or substitute an ingredient for another, depending on what you are in the mood for.

Head upstairs to the griller to give your quesadilla the final touch. Spray the griller thoroughly with cooking spray so that the quesadilla will not stick to the press. Leave the quesadilla on the griller until the bread of the quesadilla turns into a golden-brown color and the cheese filling completely melts.

Take the quesadilla off the griller, put it on a plate and cut it into four pieces. Your quesadilla is now ready to be served. If salsa, guacamole or sour cream are available, adding any of these toppings will boost your gourmet meal experience. Enjoy it while it’s warm!