
Dymecki ’12 and Salvadore ’15 Command the Mound in Win Over Tabor

Pitcher Dan Dymecki ’12 struck out seven batters and allowed a mere four hits through the first six innings of his start in Andover Baseball’s win over Tabor Academy on Wednesday.

Although Tabor fought back in the seventh inning of the game, Andover’s nine runs were too much to overcome. Andover took down Tabor 9-6, improving its record to 1-1.

“I threw a lot of strikes. I got ahead on the hitters and was able to utilize all four of my pitches effectively, which kept the hitters guessing,” said Dymecki.

Andover was able to start the game off strong scored a quick two runs in the first. Chris Hohlstein ’14 earned the first run for the team as he got on base as a result of a fielder’s choice and later stole third and then home on a wild pitch.

Both teams played great defense, as no runs were scored until the fifth inning, when Andover was able to score two more and doubled its margin to four.

Andover’s offense erupted in the sixth inning, as the team scored five runs to increase the lead to 9-0.

Andover took full advantage of the base paths and of Tabor’s poor defensive play in the sixth inning, as Tabor’s errors resulted in several of Andover’s runs.

Hohlstein kicked off the scoring frenzy as he brought home the first run on a squeeze bunt and later was brought home as a result of a pitch the Tabor catcher couldn’t handle.

Andover’s runs came from various players, Hohlstein had three runs and two hits, Co-Captain Tom Palleschi ’12 had an RBI single, William Poss ’12 had an RBI double, and Harry Roche ’13 had two hits as well.

The game stood at 9-0 in Andover’s favor heading into the seventh and final inning.

Just as the game seemed out of reach, Tabor fought back.

Tabor was able to score four runs right off the bat, which led to Tim Salvadore ’15 entering the game in an effort to try and close it out.

A Tabor runner who was already on third when Salvadore entered, scored off an RBI single right up the middle and cut Andover’s lead to four.

Earlier on Saturday against Bridgton, the pitching was equally as strong. Rory Ziomek ’13 pitched a complete game and only allowed two earned runs on five hits.

Unfortunately, Ziomek’s superb effort was not enough to make up for Andover’s weak offense, and the team lost 2-0 in its season opener.

“Rory provided the team with an opportunity to win, he pitched well throughout all seven innings and never slowed down, but unfortunately we could not pick him up. He absolutely took care of his job, but we didn’t give him the run support needed to pull away with a victory,” said Seamus O’Neill ’13.

Bridgton brought its offense early, as its second batter smoked a ball deep into second field for a double. Later in the inning, an RBI single brought the runner home and gave Bridgton a 1-0 lead.

After a quick three and out by Andover, Bridgton continued its offensive pressure in the second inning.

The first batter of the inning crushed the ball deep for a triple, and an RBI double brought the runner home, doubling the Bridgton lead to 2-0.

After the second inning, Ziomek heated up and did not allow a single hit for the remainder of the game.

“I felt like I got stronger as the game went on. By the end of the game, I began to fatigue, so I began to pitch to contact more knowing my fielders would back me up,” said Ziomek.

Unfortunately, Andover lacked offensive production and earned a total of only three hits.

“We all just need to adjust our approach at the plate, and we can’t get frustrated by one lacking offensive performance,” said O’Neill. “The only piece missing from our game was our offense. We’ll work in practice to try and figure it out and get back on track.”

Andover’s defense proved to be excellent throughout the game, as Bridgton didn’t record a hit after the second inning.

“I think we competed, but we need to attack early and often and put the pressure on the other team.” said Ziomek.

Andover will take on Belmont Hill on Friday.