
Malcolm Mason-Rodriguez ’11

In Andover’s season-opening victory against Loomis, Malcolm Mason-Rodriguez ’11 ran straight through the Loomis defense for a total of 125 rushing yards. He scored three touchdowns, including Andover’s first touchdown of the season. Q: When did you first start playing football? A: I started playing in 7th grade at my old school. It’s funny because when I first started playing football I was really bad. I was the fastest on my team but I couldn’t find and exploit the holes in the defense, so my coach never played me at halfback. I started out playing linebacker. Q: What do you attribute your speed and agility to? A: Honestly, I think it’s natural. I have never worked on my running form and I only started working out this year and I am the fastest on the team. I can run a 4.4 second 40 yard sprint. Q: Do you tend to be relaxed or nervous before a game? A: I was nervous last week when we played against Loomis at home because it was the first big game of the season. I have never played in front [of] a big crowd before and that really changed the atmosphere. But once I got on the field all the nervousness went away because I was more focused on the game and the next play than anything going on off the field. Q: If you could emulate any NFL player, who would it be? A: Definitely Deon Sanders. He went to and won the World Series and the Superbowl. In my opinion he may be the best athlete ever. He is like me in the sense that his technique is not great but his athleticism makes up for it. He is amazing. Q: Who were the former Andover players that you looked up to? A: Chad Hollis ’08. I don’t know if I can fill his shoes but he was and is a great athlete. I will always remember the Andover/Exeter game my freshman year when he ran-back the first kickoff for a touchdown. Q: What are you thinking right before the kickoff? A: I am not really thinking about much. If anything, its get the ball and more importantly, don’t fumble! Q: Who is your favorite player to watch on the team? A: Beau Palin ’10. He has great hands. I don’t think he has dropped a ball this season. He also doesn’t wear gloves which is incredible for a wide receiver. He’s a great guy.