
A Voluntary Non Sibi Day

Non Sibi Day serves many purposes. It fosters a sense of community, exposes students to community service at Andover, promotes the spirit of “non sibi” and, of course, provides a service to the broader community. But these purposes would be better served if Non Sibi Day was made mandatory for new students and voluntary for returning students. Mandating service runs contrary to Andover’s values and fosters a sense of resentment among some students. The Non Sibi Day mentality is “not for self,” but some students show up solely to avoid getting a cut for the day. Chad Green, NSD Coordinator and Community Service Director, said he agreed that mandatory volunteerism does not fit the independent nature of students. Certain students harbor negative attitudes that detract from a group’s enthusiasm and energy. While these students fulfill their service requirement, it is not in the intended spirit of the day. Non Sibi Day should remain mandatory for new students as it exposes them to community service at Andover. Group service for new students also provides a unique bonding experience for those still acclimating to a new school. But the situation is different for returning students. Returning students have already been exposed to group service in at least one previous NSD and could participate in future NSD projects on a voluntary basis. Fewer returning students would participate in Non Sibi Day if projects were optional, but the lower numbers would be neither drastic nor detrimental to the spirit of the day. Consider how many students—about 600—are involved in Andover’s community service program. Consider how many alumni love to participate in Non Sibi Day. Participating in service is part of our community’s ethos and the enriching experience of Non Sibi Day would sell itself. Our vision of Non Sibi Day also allows us to pursue truly meaningful service. In light of financial constraints, we must consider the cost of a mandatory Non Sibi Day. Providing transportation and, in many cases, food for over 1000 students has its costs. By having only those acting in the spirit of “non sibi” take part in projects, the number of participating students would allow the Community Service Office to eliminate the inevitable “dud” projects and provide more meaningful ones. This not only saves the school money, it allows us to better, and more sincerely, serve a community. Non Sibi Day was created in the spirit of community, service and “non sibi.” In making the day required for new students and voluntary for returning students, we can better achieve that vision. This editorial represents the views of The Phillipian Editorial Board CXXXII.