
Office of Academy Resources: Andover Granted CASE Fundraising Award

This past August, Andover was presented with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) Educational Fundraising Award for Overall Performance out of a national pool of independent schools.

“When the certificate came in, I was ecstatic. I was just so proud to be part of this team. It’s a nice recognition of the work we’ve been doing. It’s nice for someone to say ‘kudos’ and ‘job well done’,” said Gail Mansfield, Senior Associate Director of Major Gifts and Annual Giving.

The Education Fundraising Award for Overall Performance is granted to educational institutions of 6,000 or more alumni that demonstrate superior fundraising programs, according to the CASE website. CASE has recognized scholastic programs and institutions annually since 1959. The three-year period that CASE judged coincided with The Campaign for Andover, which surpassed its $300 million dollar goal last November.

“We continued to raise funds and do good work and good things. We persevered in a difficult economy, and we did a great job, which is recognized through this award,” said Mansfield.

Nominees for the CASE Educational Fundraising Award for Overall Performance are determined by patterns of growth of support in donations, breadth of fundraising programs and total alumni support, according to the CASE website.