
Golf Wins Witherspoon Bowl, Loses Lovell Cup to Exeter, 8-6

Varsity golf played its last match of the season on a rainy afternoon in Portsmouth. Andover, Phillips Exeter and GDA completed in the last match of the season for the Witherspoon Bowl and Lovell Cup at Portsmouth Country Cluub. “Cold and rain curtailed play. The coaches ended the planned 18 hole match at nine holes,” said Coach Smith. Evan Harmeling ’07 played number one and shot a 41. He had a “great season,” said Coach Smith. Harmeling only lost one match the entire year. James Watson ’06 shot the lowest score of the day, a 40. Two-year Captain Greg Feldmann ’05 shot a 42 to tie his match. Chas Gurry ’05, Owen Remeika ’06, and Kristen MacDonald ’07 also played in the varsity match at Portsmouth Country Club. Last Friday the three vying for the last spot in the Portsmouth match, Henry Manice ’05, Matt Brennan ’05, Tom Tassinari ’06, and Simon Keyes ’06, played together to decided who would play on Saturday. At the end of the round, the decision was not clear. The coaches had to make the final decision. “With a handsome lead in the medal (Witherspoon Bowl) part of the tournament, we are concentrating on the Lovell Cup, [which is match] play versus Exeter. We are now tied in that competition with seven matches remaining to be played. We have decided to take [Tom Tassinari] in part because he is undefeated in match play at PA,” said Coach Smith. Andover won the Witherspoon Bowl with a score of 809. Exeter’s scored was 822, and GDA scored 866. Andover lost the Lovell Cup to Exeter, 8-6. This cup is a match play competition. In the match play competition, only Watson and Tassinari won. Tassinari shot a 43. Last Wednesday the JV team had its last competition. PA beat Tabor 5.5 to 4.5. Manice was Captain for the day. Marina Warsaw-Fan ’07 played number two. She tied her match and won the best-ball point. When Andover played Tabor earlier this year Tabor’s number six JV player shot the lowest score of anyone on either team. It is highly unusual for the number six to beat everyone. In the Wednesday match, the Tabor coach put the former number six as seven, and again he beat everyone on both teams by shooting a 40. Clearly, this was an unfair match for Laura Eddy ’05, who had her debut on Wednesday. Steve Loeffler ’07 won his match by four holes with three to go. He shot a 43. Andres Bobadilla ’06 played with Loeffler. Mike Sullivan ’08 won his match. James Kelly ’06 had a tough day. The varsity team held elections for captain on Tuesday night. Watson will be the captain next year. On Thursday, the team held the traditional mini-golf competition at Richardson’s Ice Cream and Mini-Golf. The varsity team’s season record is 15 wins and three losses.