
Honorable Mentions:

Kate Bulger ’11 Bulger ran at the number one position all season long and won multiple races. She also won the NEPSTA Cross Country Championships despite slipping and falling on the muddy course in the last 500 meters. Clay Cleveland ’10 Cleveland racked up 504 total yards on the season, and led the team in scoring with 8 touchdowns. He led Andover to league wins over Deerfield and Worcester with three touchdowns in each game. Meghan McCafferty ’10 Co-Captain McCafferty led Volleyball all the way to the Semi-Finals. A strong middle hitter, her blocking and hitting were crucial at the net, as she tallied up countless stuffs and kills. Conor McAuliffe ’10 McAuliffe was a key player all season as he was a leading scorer and extremely tough on defense. One of the high points for the Co-Captain was his eight goal performance at Deerfield.