
Andover Strong in Three Scrimmages

Andover faced fierce competition in scrimmages against Westminster, Milton, and Groton before leaving for break, prompting Andover to rev up practices and focus on improvement.

The scrimmage last month, which was Andover’s first opportunity to play, was both a difficult and exciting match for the team. Battling it out with a competitive and well-prepared Milton squad, each player participated in two matches that day.

“It was a terrific opportunity to compete. We even came away with a few wins,” said Coach Jennifer Elliott who was proud of the way the girls played.

While Andover Girls Squash has played only one scrimmage as a whole team, the first Saturday of winter break half of the players, including Captain Amanda Howland ’11, Midori Ishisuka ’11, Jessica Lee ’13, and Diana Howland ’13, participated in play day at Groton last month.

Facing some of the fiercest competitors from several private schools in New England, Andover readily took the opportunity to see what the competition would be like for the 2011 season before anything would be officially recorded.

The stiff competition served as a wakeup call to the players, including Lee who said, “It definitely showed me that we all have to put a lot of effort into improving our strokes and match play.”

The team was split into four draws based on ladder positions. Each and every player fought hard to win the games ahead of them. “I struggled to win matches that day. I was placed in the first draw, and it was difficult competing at such a high level of squash for me,” said Lee.

Coach Elliott said, “Jess played with tremendous heart and determination in a particularly challenging draw.”

Each of the four who attended the tournament at Groton played in four matches, giving them the chance to identify where they are strong and where they fall short.

Yet the team remains optimistic. Howland said, “The whole team has been practicing over break and we can’t wait to get the season going!”

After winter break, Coach Elliott said, “We need to get back in the groove.” Hoping for a strong start to the season she added, “We’re training hard and establishing a more permanent ladder.”

To date, the team’s final ladder has been shifty and inconsistent which has added a more competitive spirit to the team’s preseason and encouraged everyone to play and compete at a higher level.

The team’s first official match looms on the horizon and training is moving into full gear as the player prepare. Andover will travel to Choate this Saturday to kick off the 2011 season.