
Sleep is for the Weak…and the Healthy

This week the student body had the pleasure of hearing a great lecture on the importance of sleep from Dr. James Maas, a top professor in his field and author of the widely read Power Sleep. Dr. Maas could not have found a more appropriate audience to speak to. It is well known that sleep on this campus is valued but rare. We should heed the advice and warnings of Dr. Maas and take a serious look at the Pace of Life dilemma that is responsible for the “walking zombies” on campus. It is difficult to find workable solutions to this classic problem at an institution that so heavily values academic excellence. Dr. Maas presented a bold proposal: all high school students should not start class until 9:00 a.m., at the earliest. Here at the Phillipian (potentially the most sleep deprived members of the PA community) we wholeheartedly accept this idea. Andover is a progressive, innovative school and we should lead the way in demonstrating that we care for the health and well-being of our students.