
Peter Ramsey Appointed Secretary of the Academy

Last Wednesday, Head of School Barbara Chase reappointed Peter as Secretary of the Academy, a position he already held for 9 years, from 1995 to 2004. Mr. Ramsey began his work on Monday, returning to Andover after leaving to serve as the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations at Babson College. Mr. Ramsey’s position at Andover will include the same duties he held at Babson, such as directing fundraising and dealing with alumni. He will return to work closely with the Head of School and the Board of Trustees as during his previous tenure. Mr. Ramsey looks forward to the work ahead of him, recognizing that it is “unusual to return to a previous job, but he considers it a privilege.” He said, “It was kind of odd because people have previous feeling about you, but if you come back…you have to “earn your stripes” again.” Mr. Ramsey’s experience with Andover began in 1995, when he was named for the first time as Secretary of the Academy. He led a successful six-year-long fund-raising program known as “Campaign Andover,” which raised over $200 million, and set a record for fund-raising among independent secondary schools. The funds were invested in scholarships, faculty housing, and campus construction and renovation. Mr. Ramsey commented that Mrs. Chase and David Underwood were hugely important in the success of Campaign Andover a decade ago, and he looks forward to working with them once again. According to Mrs. Chase, “Mr. Ramsey is a consummate development professional and a great member of any senior team. We are both eager to work together again, and I know the Andover community will join me in welcoming him back into the fold.” Mr. Ramsey said that most of his goals for his tenure are based on observations and plans he had before his two-year hiatus. He hopes to provide greater support to the Alumni Affairs Office, help shape the Academy’s reputation and presentation, and make the PA websites more user-friendly for students, parents, and prospective students alike. He is also already in the early stages of planning his next large-scale fund-raising campaign. This campaign will raise funds for the Andover fund, the school’s outreach programs, the financial aid programs, and funds for faculty members. These funds will also contribute to the campus projects, such as the soccer field, Commons, and Addison renovations. Mr. Ramsey is glad to be back. he said that the Academy has always “felt like home.” He is also fond of the Academy’s traditions and appreciates the academy’s deep respect for the educational process.