
Drama Lab Previews

The Phillipian sat in on rehearsals for three DramaLabs, “The Art of Dating,” “Yesterday” and “I Can’t Think of it Right Now” and offers a preview. These DramaLabs will be performed tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Theater Classroom. “The Art of Dating” by Jeffrey Scott Elwell Lawyer—Lucia McGloin ’13 Lawyer—Charlie Budney ’12 Waiter—Omegar Chavolla Zac- arias ’12 Two relationship consultants meet for dinner to evaluate each other’s clients and their potential compatibility. The majority of the evening is spent discussing the clients, but, unbeknownst to the young, female consultant (Lucia McGloin ’13), the conversation topic turns to the consultants themselves in the middle of dinner.Thoughtfully staged and directed by Tia Baheri ’12. “Yesterday” by Colin Campbell Clements She—Susannah Hyde ’13 He—Rob Stevens ’10 Two aged partygoers step into a side room for a breather, where they bond over shared memories. Their remembrances overlap more than they expected, leaving each bewitched, bothered, and bewildered by the play’s conclusion. A hilarious look into the follies of youth from the perspective of the octogenarian. Directorial debut from Cammy Brandfield-Harvey ’11. “I Can’t Think Of It Right Now” by Nick Zagone Marsha—Mary Polk-Bauman ’11 John—David Tylinski ’12 Another first-time director, Jenny Chen ’11, takes on what she described as a “comedic drama” about an archetypical American family tearing at its seams. John and Marsha are drifting, with John working overtime to financially support their newborn child, and, with the complacent, isolated traditional housewife role that Marsha plays, they have little time for each other. The two spend the majority of the play trying to remember the title of a movie that has slipped their minds, but it quickly becomes clear that in searching for that connection between the distanced lovers, they are desperately yearning for one last semblance of a healthy marriage. Drama Lab veterans Mary Polk-Bauman ’11 and David Tylinski ’12 star in this potentially moving play, one that is surely of a more somber tone than others.