
Andover Suffers Loss to Exeter; Riley ’10 Scores Lone Goal

Andover took the ice at home against a tough Exeter team on Saturday. Earlier in the year, Andover traveled to Exeter, and after a ferocious three periods of play plus overtime, the game ended in a tie. Looking to maintain Andover’s domination over Exeter, Andover took the ice with determination and vigor. “We had a team dinner the night before, and in the locker room before the game we listened to music and visualized what the game would be like. These events really helped pump us up and get us ready for a tough game against Exeter,” Said Kellie Walsh ’11. From the drop of the first puck both teams battled hard for the win. Momentum shifted back and forth between the teams, as each team fought hard on the fore check. The defense on both teams battled just as hard as they fought to break the puck out of the zone. After two periods of play Andover was facing the consequences of poor refs and the poor attitude of the Exeter team on the ice. As the buzzer rang at the end of the second, Exeter had gained a two goal lead. “It was a frustrating game in terms of the refs and the attitude of the girls on Exeter, but we never game up until the buzzer rang, and that was the important thing.” Said Co-Captain Avery Stone’10. Taking the ice in the third Andover knew that they needed a spark to get the team going again. As if their prayers were heard, Katie Riley ’10 maneuvered past the Exeter defenders and snapped a goal past the Exeter goalie to bring the score within one. Battling hard for the rest of the game, Andover crashed on the Exeter goalie many times and was not able to put the puck in the net. After three hard periods of great play and tough hockey, Exeter barley squeaked a two to one victory over Andover, breaking the winless streak Exeter has had over Andover for the past two years. Although Andover has had a tough year, with a season record of 4-13-4, the year has been very productive for Andover as they have gained many new players for the team. Although Andover is graduating Co-Captains Stone and Lauren Glynn ’10, as well as Riley, Katie Sherrill ’10 and Katherine Catherine McLaughlin ’10, the team looks forward to next year in hopes that a very strong class of 2011 will lead the team to victory “No team had more heart or hustle, and in the end although we didn’t necessarily win as many games as we would have hoped, it was still a great season. We stayed in every game and kept the scores close. Unfortunately, Andover Exeter didn’t go our way, but our well-fought game against Nobles, who won New England’s last year and in 2008, ended in an amazing and deserved win,” said Sherrill.