
Athlete of the Week: Lilybet MacRae ’13

Lilybet MacRae ’13 broke a school record, a pool record and her own personal record against Suffield last Wednesday with a score of 323.20. The score topped her previous personal best and previous school record of 312.40, which she made the week before at Hopkins School. Her achievements earned her the title of Athlete of the Week.

When did you start diving and why?

I started diving in 2007. Because my sister, Kendall [’11], broke her hand in gymnastics, we both decided to try a less accident prone sport: diving.

Do you have any pre-dive rituals?

The morning before every meet, I have a lucky breakfast. I usually walk downtown and go to Starbucks with friends.

What is you favorite dive?

My favorite dives are twisters. They are the most fun and look impressive but actually are pretty easy. Reverse two and a half twister is my newest trick.

How do you train?

During the winter season, I focus on high school diving and mostly practice one meter, but during the summer I train with my club team and practice both one meter and three meter. In high school diving, each week focuses on one category (either forward, back, reverse, inward, or twister).

What is your favorite pump-up song?

“Lose Yourself” by Eminem.

What are your hopes for the rest of this season?

I hope to do well at New England Championships, with a personal goal of scoring more than 500 points. I specifically want to do well on my back one and a half pike, because that was my weakest dive last year.

How do you hope to continue your career after Andover?

I definitely want to continue diving in college so that I can continue to learn harder dives.