
Andover Attackmen Combine for 6 Goals in 7-4 Win vs. Brewster

The Andover defense and goalie Spencer Rice ’09 held strong, as Andover grinded-out a well-deserved 7-4 victory over Brewster Academy. Coming into this game, Andover had won back-to-back games at home and had an overall record of 2-1, with its only loss coming in its season-opener against Belmont Hill. The game started off in Andover’s favor. After going four minutes with possession in Andover’s offensive end, Brewster turned the ball over, which led to a successful Andover clear. After a short possession, Jack Walker ’09 drove past his defenseman from behind the cage and aimed a left-handed rip into the lower right hand corner of the net. Shortly after Walker ’09 scored, Andover found itself in a man-up situation after a Brewster penalty in which Spencer Macquarrie ’10 scored off of a feed from Chris Kreider ’10. In the second quarter, Andover once again had a man-up situation. After rotating the ball around the perimeter quickly, the Andover man-up unit procured a goal when Walker ’09 found Co-Captain John Bukawyn ’08 cross-crease, who turned the corner and slid the ball past the goalie into the top-shelf of the goal. Brewster bounced back with two goals in the remaining two minutes of the half. Going into halftime, the game remained close with a score of 3-2, in Andover’s favor. In the third quarter, both teams went through a scoring drought, with Brewster scoring the only goal with five minutes left in the quarter. The game was coming down to the wire when the fourth quarter began in a 3-3 tie. Thirty seconds into the quarter however, Walker ’09 scored off of yet another man-up situation. The defense, led by Co-Captain Nick Anschuetz ’08, worked tirelessly to keep the ball out of the back of the net during a seven minute period in which Andover’s offense could not seem to keep the ball. This hard work paid off as the Andover offense proceeded to go on a 3-0 scoring run, with all three attack-men, Walker ’11, Walker ’09, and Macquarrie ’10 scoring on fast-break opportunities. Brewster was able to put a goal on the board after a lot of hard work, but Andover came out on top with a score of 7-4.