Alanna Olsen ’23 describes her style as a blend of modern and vintage clothing, and her outfits often include pieces worn by her parents when they were younger.
Donning a white cropped collared tank top and her mom’s old brown striped pajama pants, Alanna Olsen ’23 completes her outfit with high top Air Forces and a leather jacket from her dad’s closet—a blend of both modern and vintage clothing.
“Basically half my clothes are from my parents’ closet because I love the clothes that they wore when they were in their 20s and 30s. I just think those are really cool. You can’t really find them now,” said Olsen.
According to Olsen, she started borrowing her parents’ clothing items with her sister, Kaela Olsen ’18. Together, they would try to emulate and recreate their mom’s outfits from earlier pictures. Though predominantly vintage, Olsen’s fashion style is still versatile.
“Sometimes I like to dress pretty classy and sometimes in cute little slip dresses. But then a lot of times, I’ll wear leather jackets and more of that vintage style. Sometimes I’ll wear [a] turtleneck with pants. I feel like that’s more of a sophisticated look,” said Olsen.
As a pastime, Olsen enjoys mixing and matching a variety of clothing items for future outfits and evolving her style, exploring both classy and sophisticated appearances.
“I make outfits that I think are cool, and I use them for later times, but I just take a picture so I can remember. And I’ll make outfits like different seasons because I just like to prepare ahead,” said Olsen.
Watch a video about Olsen’s process for choosing her outfits on our Youtube channel here!