
Co-Presidential Q&A: Marcello Rossi and Caroline Shipley

**Why do you want to be Co-Presidents?**

Caroline Shipley: We’ve both had experience on student council- – between the two of us, we’ve covered all three years – and we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work from a student council perspective, as well as from the Andover student’s perspective. We’re both involved in a wide variety of things and we’ve seen what needs to change, and we’ve come up with some ideas for how to make those changes.

Marcello Rossi: I also think, personality and background wise, Caroline and I complement each other very well – for example, me being an international student and Caroline being a day student.

**What would you say is the most important aspect of your platform?**

Rossi: The one idea that we have that really sets us apart and hasn’t been proposed before is the Andover Internship network. We’re trying to open up more opportunities for current students…

Shipley: …to capitalize on the already existing network of Andover alums that we already are a part of as students.

Rossi: A lot of Co-Presidents in the past have focused on the here and now, but in our platform we also focus on the future and how we can provide opportunities for Andover students to start building career prospects. We have already spoken to several alumni about this, and they are excited and willing to participate.

**What is one thing you want people to know about you?**

Rossi: I think we strike the perfect balance between serious and fun. From our campaign video that we just posted Wednesday, I think that shows a very fun side to our platform and also to our personalities. We also strike a good balance with being serious in that we have some very feasible ideas that we want to do, but all of them are in the spirit of creating a better campus – a more fun campus.

Shipley: You really have to be serious about the fun ideas to get the fun ideas done.

**If you were a superhero duo, who would you be?**

Shipley: Oh, I’ve got it! Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. Can I be Barnacle Boy?

Rossi: Yeah! I’ll be Mermaid Man. Actually, it’s perfect since I’m a swimmer.

**What is your campaign theme song?**

Shipley: Definitely “United We Dance” by Vicetone.