Letters to the Editor

Letter To The Editor

To the Editor,

Could The Phillipian or the administration please advise if there are general procedures in place following an event such as the recent revelations concerning Dr. Richard Keller? I am writing to advocate that general policies be implemented in the event that a faculty member or former faculty member is discovered to have committed sexual crimes, particularly involving minors. Specifically, these would include the appointment of a committee to investigate the history of the individual at the academy and to issue a full report and assessment to the community. Such cases merit uncommon transparency, as there are surely no other so damaging to the community’s sense of safety, security and trust, and a full, clear, and public view will be the best means of maintaining that trust and ensuring that reforms can be made. Given the past issues at the Groton School and the resulting damage from their lack of transparency, measures like the ones being suggested, I believe, are critical. Lastly, I would like to express solidarity with my fellow students, alumni and faculty who are sensible to this extreme betrayal of our community, and to voice support for any who, during Dr. Keller’s nearly 20-year tenure, were affected by this tragedy.

Robert C. L. Crawford ’99

Peter G. Hawkins ’69