
Non-Sibi Around the World

Second Harvest Japan collects food that would otherwise go to waste from food manufacturers, farmers and individuals and then distributes them to the homeless and people in orphanages and shelters. The organization doesn’t pay for “new food” but collects and distributes a small portion of the six million kilograms of food thrown away in Tokyo.

Marcia Ishizuka, an alumna of Wellesley University, started the Second Harvest Japan on the first Non Sibi Day in 2008 in association with the Tokoyo Wellesley Club. In 2010, 10 volunteers from the Andover community served over 600 meals. On October 1 this year, eight volunteers from the Andover community will work in three different shifts of food preparation, serving and clean up. Ishizuka said, “There are no words that can adequately describe the appreciation shown by those we help – it is when one realizes how far a few hours of our collective time contributes to another person’s well being.” Scott Marley ’82 is managing the project this year, and he plans to have Second Harvest feed the homeless in Ueno Park in Tokoyo. “It’s a great way to connect with folks associated with Phillips Academy in a low key, low pressure environment while doing something that helps the community.”