
After 30 Issues, CXXXIII Bids Farewell To The Newsroom

As students reveled amidst snow days and light flurries, members of The Phillipian board CXXXIII crowded into the newsroom to welcome the new Phillipian board CXXXIV. This week will mark the final issue of The Phillipian board CXXXIII, and the first for CXXXIV. Maxwell Block ’12, former Commentary Editor, will succeed Julia Zorthian ’11 as Editor in Chief. Zorthian said, “We can already tell CXXXIV will do an excellent job, and I know Max will be a great Editor in Chief. He’s very well respected and has innovative ideas for the future of The Phillipian. I can’t wait to see what he does with the paper.” “I don’t know what to do with all the free time we’ll have. One day our board is planning on sneaking back down to the newsroom and combing Max’s hair,” Zorthian added. Block explained he hoped to follow in the footsteps of CXXXIII. Block said, “The last board set a really high standard for partying [legally] in the newsroom but I’m really looking to top that. I see the Features section as a leader in that movement, I also feel [the Sports Section] will contribute.” “In terms of sections that I feel won’t be down with the whole taking of their clothes thing, I feel like Commentary might have some opinions about the new practices,” he continued. The structure of Upper Management will remain the same for CXXXIV and CXXXIII as Liam Murphy ’11, Exectuive Editor, Yerin Pak ’11, News Director and Sophie Gould ’11, Managing Editor, hand over the reins to their Upper Management positions. Executive Editor Brian Delaney ’12, former News Associate, News Director Apsara Iyer ’12, former News Associate and Managing Editor Eve Simister ’12, former Arts Associate, will join Block on Upper Management. “I hope the new board likes coffee,” said Gould. Pak said, “I will really miss the friendships that I’ve formed through the 40 hours of arguing, editing and interviewing. I trust Apsara will do a fantastic job leading the News Section.” Murphy said, “As excited as I am to see how the new Upper Management works together, I’m more excited for the new Delivery Heads. They bring the intensity CXXXIV needs.” CXXXIV’s News Editors Andrew Cho ’12, Noël Um ‘12 and Dennis Zhou ’12 will take over from Julia Dean ’11 and Alex Salton ’11. Derek Farquhar ’12 and Thea Raymond-Sidel ’12, Commentary Section Editors, will replace Michelle Ma ’11, Max Block ’12 and Chris Meyer ’11. Meyer said, “Commentary was a part of my life before I even came to Andover. I can’t describe how much I’ll miss the section, but I know Derek and Thea will take care of it.” Former Arts Associates, Tafarii McKenzie ’12 and Ray Thamthieng ’12, will become the Arts Section Editors, succeeding Steve Kim ’11 and Stephanie Liu ’11. “Steph and Steve did a really good job with Arts and it will be hard to take their place. We really hope we can make Arts even more creative, and hopefully we’ll increase our readership,” said Thamthieng. Features lone star Ryan Yost ’11 will be replaced by Colton Demsey ’12 and Ricky Goldstein ’12, former Features Associates. Calvin Aubrey ’12, Blake Grubbs ’12, Jamie Shenk ’12 and Anthony Tedesco ’12, former Sports Associates, will take over from Chris Cameron ’11, Ben Ho ‘11 and Sarah Onorato ’11 as Sports Section Editors. Shenk said, “Chris, Sarah and Ben ran a pretty good section but we plan on improving our content by putting our writers through boot camp, real boot camp.” Marie Liu ’12 and Jing Qu ’13 will snap forward to lead the Photography Section, replacing Ben Brodie ’11 and Yuto Watanabe ’11. Brodie said, grinning, “Not only does [the Photography Section] bring the stories alive but we were also the Spiritual Gurus of the newsroom.” Kennedy Edmonds ‘12, former Director of Writing, will join Madeline McClintic ’12, former Copy Associate, as CXXXIV’s Copy Editors. Daniela Pimentel ’11 will yield her spot as Cartooning Director to three Uppers, Cameron Hastings ’12, Madeline Kim ’12 and Kell Yang-Sammataro ’12. CXXXIV will not have a Director Production, the position of Adam Levine ’11 this year. “Clearly no one was as ambiguous as I am,” said Levine. Audrey McMurtie ’11 The Phillipian’s Business Manager, will leave Min Jae Yoo ‘12 in charge of the Phillipian’s finances. Advertising Director, Tina Su ’11, will give her position to Danny Gottfried ’12, former Advertising Associate. Jaclyn Higgins ’12 and Eric Ouyang ’13 will replace Kevin Song ’11 as co-heads of Phillipian Online. Christopher Hedley ‘13 will be the Philllipian’s new Head of Circulation.