The Class of 2007 elected John Gwin ’07 and Peter McCarthy ’07 as their representatives to the 2004-2005 Student Council. Originally, 10 lowers declared candidacy, but Monday’s primaries narrowed the number of candidates to seven. The seven who moved on to the finals dedicated themselves to campaigning and to preparing speeches, which they delivered this past Wednesday in Kemper Auditorium just before voting took place. Winners Gwin and McCarthy are both looking forward to their new leadership roles. “I’m grateful to have been elected and am looking forward to getting started,” says Gwin. “What goes on in the Trustees’ Room has a big impact on our daily lives,” he continued. Gwin is specifically excited to work on “bringing back off-campus programs, like Washington Internship and Semester Abroad.” However, Gwin reminded voters that “specific proposals don’t mean much at this level.” Instead, he hopes to listen to the ideas of his classmates to form more specific goals as a representative. McCarthy said,