
Haiku in the Classroom

Out of The Shadows: Shadow Box Shows Promise

Music and Emotions: Combs Facutly Voice Recital

Lighting up the Loft

Breaking Convention: Artistic Nuances in Antigone

Just the Beginning of “The Lives of the Great”

What it Means to be Russian: ‘Russian Connections’ at PA

I Love Ponies: Living Large

More Than a Vacation: Arts Refects on Budget Cuts and the Future: Scotland Trip Refection

More Than a Vacation: Arts Refects on Budget Cuts and the Future: Cantata Tour

Uncommonly Uncommon Women

Going Solo: Faculty Jazz Concert Plays in Timken

J.C. MacMillan: From Barbershop Boy to Basso Profundo

Faculty Up in Front: Members of the Music Department Take the Spotlight

The Sounds of Students

Amazing Addison

Angst and Undergarments: Uncommon Women Getting Ready to Go

A Unique ‘Twinkle Toes’

The Whole Shebang

Tunes of the Teachers

Rabbot Cabaret: Carriage House, Coconuts, and Congo Drums

Diary of a 520: All My Sons Moves Forward With Production

An Admirable Attempt at an Ancient Greek Play

Teevan Returns (In Spirit)

Controversial Conversions

Rocking with the Modifiers

The Messiah Cometh to Cochran Chapel

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