After the war paint is washed off and the red meat is eaten, Andover and Exeter collaborate more than compete. In years past, the Andover music department collaborated with the Exeter music department to perform a combined chorus and orchestra concert for both schools. Christopher Walter, Instructor in Music, said, “There was a lot of organization involved and recently, scheduling has been difficult.” The concerts began in 1982 but ended in 2003. According to Walter, the concerts ended because students were unable to commit the amount of time necessary to rehearse with the students of the other school. Walter said, “It was a great thing to do. We were working with Exeter, not against them.” A concert might take place later this year. The Community Service department collaboration with Exeter has been sporadic, according to Chad Green, Head of the Community Service department. Green said, “Last year, we got together with Exeter student coordinators and compared programs and asked questions. It was a very positive collaboration.” Student community service leaders from both schools met, and according to Green, “everyone got along really well.” Model United Nations clubs from both schools compete. However, Berol Dewdney ’09, Co-Head of Model United Nations, said, “There’s always that rivalry of Andover/Exeter. But I think especially with Model UN it’s more of a ‘we’re all learning from each other’; the athletic rivalry isn’t there.” In the Department of Theater and Dance, there is the “Eight Schools Association,” an association composed of the heads of eight prep schools, including Andover and Exeter. “You can definitely tell there is a rivalry. Last year, [at the end of the conference, Andover students] were talking about how much better we did than Exeter,” said Gloria Odusote, ’09, a participant in the workshop.