The Eighth Page

Phillipian Satire: Exeter Spirit Week

Monday: Celebrate the 108th anniversary of the February Revolution! Dress as your favorite Marxist revolutionary or edgy, privileged, Western teenager.

Tuesday: Career Day! Manifest your future of being a soulless sellout by participating in Goldman Sachs Day. Dress up like your role models Gordon Gekko, Patrick Bateman, and Jordan Belfort. American Psycho and the Wolf of Wall Street will also be shown for those who venerate.

Wednesday: Emulate alumnus Mark Zuckerberg by prostrating yourself to the Trump administration. Do not hold back — get your spinelessness on full display!

Thursday: In honor of Principal Rawson who’s stepping down, dress as other famous quitters: Richard Nixon, Justin Trudeau, and Benedict Arnold.

Friday: Raw Dog for Big Red, bring your anger to Pep Rally! Campus party afterwards. (Stay away from some of the teachers though)


In case some of the overtly friendly A/E Cheers haven’t been hitting for you, here are some uncensored, impeccable cheers for you and your friends to whip out this winter:


“I said you travel, you walk too much!” (Thank you SLAM)

“March 10! March 10! March 10!”

“I here Kendrick is doing a second ‘Not Like Us’ for Exeter faculty members.”

“Exeter’s T.U.B. was just a white sink.”