Top Drawer
The Whirlygigs Toy Shop
The Hemp Connection
The Hemp Connection provides the best legal CBD for those with sleeping disorders (bedwetting), harkness-induced anxiety, and achy joints! New Hampshire is the only state in New England where recreational cannabis has not been legalized –– which works out since Exeter students are incapable of rolling a joint due to their carpal tunnel syndrome from over-gripping a No. 2 pencil – and nothing else.
The Whirlygigs Toy Shop is the hottest spot for Exeter students to whirl and giggle (slang for having fun)! The shop offers Thomas the Train sets for those interested in the mechanics of locomotives, magnetic darts to take our their anger on pictures of cool Andover kids, and even stuffed animals to hug whilst crying to sleep! We also have a back room of anatomy shaped toys, but they range on the smaller side to provide a more realistic experience.
Top Drawer is the place where Exeter students can finally experience their sexual awakening. Staring through the display windows or, for the bold students, going inside and lustfully inhaling the scent of the bralettes, is the closest they’ll ever get to the real thing. Warning: high chances of bumping into your elderly English teachers while adventuring in the store.