Arts Look of the Week

Look of The Week: Fae Ross ’24 Derives Inspiration for Bold Style from Rock Music

Fae Ross ’24 sports a scarlet red sleeveless top, black leather pants, and a leather blazer, which they pair with heart-shaped sunglasses. A spiky black choker, silver jewelry, and Doc Martens add the final touches to their look.

“I mostly wear red, pink, and purple– I wear black, too…I think they’re loud and warm colors that pop and stand out to people…[When I choose an outfit], I think of what I wore the day before, and ask myself how I can make it different today. I only wear three colors, so it’s kind of hard, but at the same time I ask: how can I make my aura different?” said Ross.

Ross was inspired to dress in classic and punk rock styles after watching the movie “The Runaways” when they were young. However, it wasn’t until a year and a half ago that they began to embody their new style and find confidence in what they wore on a regular basis.

“When I saw Kristen Stewart playing Joan Jett in “The Runaways,” I remember thinking, “I want to be her.” I don’t really dress too much like her, but I admired the confidence she gave off…I’ve rewatched the movie numerous times, but around a year and a half ago, I watched it again, and realized, “They don’t care. I need to not care! What am I doing?”” said Ross.

Ross also derives inspiration from prominent figures in rock music, including Courtney Love and The Cure. They have listened to these artists since they were nine years old, stating that the volume and intensity of the rock genre is a major influence on their style today.

“I like clothes that are like that loud music. I like loud music in the same way that I love loud clothes. I’m also a loud person. It matches all parts of my personality.” said Ross.

While Ross dressed in distinctive clothes in their last “Look of the Week” feature in 2019, they stated that their style has evolved to reflect how their confidence has grown since then. Ross expressed that they have established a more individual and distinct, personal aesthetic since then.

“I feel like now, I’ve gotten a lot of pieces that I love, and I’m a lot more confident than I was before, which really makes a difference…I think I’m good at finding pieces that not a lot of people have. I also think that the way you wear things definitely affects the uniqueness. You have to be and feel confident in what you wear,” said Ross.