Matt Suri ’21 eyes the camera with a confident glare, with no qualms about his denim-on-cotton combination.
Matt Suri ’21 wears a gray hoodie paired with a denim jacket over ripped black jeans, a look he ties together with a fresh pair of New Balances on his feet. His laid-back yet put-together sense of fashion is influenced by the street style that he’s familiar with at home.
Suri said, “I’m from Elizabeth, New Jersey, which is an urban town outside of New York. So I feel like [my style] is influenced a lot by hip hop culture… I would say my Air Force Ones, my favorite shoes that I have, represent hip hop well.”
Friends of Suri have remarked that his casual looks are like an extension of his confident personality.
According to Chi Igbokwe ’21, Suri’s confidence works its way into his wardrobe.
“One of the things I admire most about Matt is how confident and motivated he is, and I feel like his style really represents that. He wears a lot of primary colors and bold logos, and that really corresponds with the way he’s able to take charge of situations,” said Igbokwe.
Suri also said that he gets a lot of his inspiration from his fellow classmates, and that they influence each other when it comes to discussing fashion and style.
According to Suri, his style fits the hip hop culture in the town he grew up in: Elizabeth, N.J. N.J.
“I feel like a lot of my clothing also evolves off of what my friends like as well. I have friends with the same style, so when something comes out or [when] we go shopping together, I get their ideas. And [because] we both shop in the same area, I think that [being with my friends] helps me evolve my fashion,” said Suri.
Suri often mixes and matches various items based on texture, color, and pattern to suit his needs. According to Suri, this keeps his outfits relaxed and casual.
Suri said, “I like to match colors as well as fabrics, like denim… For example, I like to wear a denim jacket on denim jeans or khakis with flannels, and match some colors with the flannel, then match it with a hoodie, keep it very casual.”
Igbokwe said, “The way he layers his outfits is laid-back but put-together at the same time, and he always dresses like he’s on the cover of some street style magazine. I feel like that balance between chill-ness and coordination is what makes Matt both a really good person to talk fashion with and a great class rep; he’s able to work with anything and it’s seriously iconic.”