Click here to view in-depth Q&As with the co-presidential candidates.
Sam Bird ’18 and Eastlyn Frankel ’18
We believe that there are greater opportunities for interaction between grades. By improving current systems we could make the community closer as a whole.
• The Blue Keys to success: improving the Blue Key system to make new students more comfortable and provide more mentorship, as well as streamlined access to resources through students.
• Activities: mixed grade events activites like flag football and lawn parties that allow for everyone to meet each other.
With the loss of Wellness Week, the school has implemented new long-term programming, however, we would make certain that student health and wellness is one of the school’s greatest priorities.
• Health Challenges: competitions started by us to encourage healthy habits on campus. Sleep challenge, hydration challenge, fun games used in a way to promote health and wellness.
• Hydration stations: We will put water fountains in every dorm on campus.
• Take a break: twice a term, once before finals and once before midterms, we would host fun activities on Sundays as a way for students to take a break and focus something other than work. These activities may include color sessions, cookie decorating, mini dance parties, whatever will release the most stress.
While the new schedule issue does not affect the class of ’17 or ’18, a new schedule will eventually be implemented for the underclassmen. We are committed to making sure that student input and concerns are listened to by faculty as this planning begins.
• Availability: holding more forums in more public places to encourage students to talk to us
• Check ins: once or twice a term, sitting at the entrance of commons with a suggestion box to hear exactly what the students want changed on campus and their ideas in general and a chance for us to meet more people.
Fun Facts:
Bird: “I learned how to do a handstand this year, so I’m really proud of that.”
Frankel: “As a kid, I was on a bunch of K-Mart Commercials and a bunch of PBS Shows.”
Justice Robinson ’18 and David Tsai ’18
• Change the “Opt-In Culture” regarding discussions surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
• Work towards bettering the Leadership Training Program so that our student leaders are able to assist in this mission of positively transforming our school.
• Cultivate a sense of community and a culture of kindness and respect by holding more all-school forums where different topics surrounding school policies, environment on campus, and anything the population deems important, are discussed as a larger group. These forums are available for all to share their thoughts with Student Council so that we can enact actual change.
• Promote Sykes’ ongoing attention to student mental health by building upon its culture of ‘openness.’
Andover is nothing without its strong sense of community, but this is sometimes forgotten during tough times. When Non-Sibi is practiced less than it is preached, we all struggle
• The Co-Presidents and Student Council will work with the Community Engagement Office in organizing monthly community service trips around the Andover area. This will give students the flexibility to give back on their own schedules.
• While Commons cups are recyclable, we want their lids to be as well. Small changes like these can make our school greener one step at a time
• Strongly urge the addition of phone charging stations to buildings around campus. (George Washington Hall, Paresky Commons, etc.)
• Encourage cohesion between boarding and day students, starting with the equal mixing of blue key groups during orientation.
• Works towards improving dorm sign in restrictions for Juniors during Fall Term, given that dorms are often not conducive to work.
• Chocolate milk on the second floor of Commons.
Fun Facts:
Tsai: “While I was at Universal Studios at a dolphin tank… I was pretty close to being attacked. So to this day, I have a fear of dolphins.”
Robinson: “I’ve been in a movie with Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.”
Miriam Feldman ’18 and Larson Tolo ’18
• Introduce Cluster Olympics: a battle of wit, athleticism, and pride to foster cluster bonding and friendly competition through capture the flag, Dance Dance Revolution, trivia, and other activities of your choice!
• Use Abbot Grants and Student Council funds to bring in an exciting schedule of renowned musicians and speakers
• Establish a semi-monthly meeting of student leaders from all sectors of campus, including cluster co-presidents, day student representatives, student council members, CAMD Organizations, Captains Council, Arts groups, and Student Activities Board
• Create communication network for leaders of Student Government and Student Activities at nearby schools ACCESSIBLE GOVERNMENT
• Build and maintain an active Student Council website with access to meeting notes, an online forum, and information about student council members
• Publish Student Council updates in The Phillipian
• Use year-long initiatives and Non Sibi Day to increase our engagement in the Greater Boston community
• Make use of our proximity to Boston by providing Andover students with museum memberships, reduced-fare Charlie Cards, and more opportunities to go into the city
• Develop a relationship with the Governor’s Office to explore future opportunities for Andover to contribute to the Boston community
Fun Facts:
Feldman:“I have a big succulent collection, and I keep a lot of houseplants in my room.”
Tolo: “I have an extensive collection of Disney movies.”