
Letter From The Editors

Our time is up. We, the 138th board of The Phillipian, are enjoying our last late-night hours under the fluorescent lights of the newsroom in the basement of Morse Hall. The newsroom is really just a small, glorified, windowless room cluttered with old newspapers and empty pouches of Capri Sun. But this space has made us who we are. It is where we have formed friendships stronger than we could have ever imagined, growing to love each other as we strived, week by week, to publish the best newspaper we possibly could. It has taught us the importance of hard work, of speaking with integrity, of doing our legwork. Above all, it has taught us to care deeply, to devote everything we have to one incredible project.

As we pass The Phillipian to the capable hands of CXXXIX, we would like to say thank you. Readers, thank you for trusting us as we learned to be journalists. Neil, Ada and Nina, thank you for your unwavering love and support. The past 137 boards, thank you for everything you taught us and for everything you have helped the paper become. CXXXIX, thank you for your energy and enthusiasm. We hope that you make the most of your year with The Phillipian.

These editorials represent the views of The Phillipian Editorial Board CXXXVIII.