
American Red Cross Films Informative Video on Campus

Students walking past Commons may have noticed a temporary edition: a large van sponsored by the American Red Cross Blood Drive surrounded by a camera crew. This past Tuesday, Matt Noyes ’96 was on campus to interview various students and faculty members about the “Celebrate the Gift of Life” initiative by the American Red Cross Blood Drive for a television segment. According to Jecoliah Ellis, Communications Manager for the American Red Cross, the television spot was taped to encourage people to donate blood during the challenging summer months. Though the Red Cross bus used Commons as the background for the spot, Phillips Academy will not be featured. “We appreciate the school hosting a blood drive, and allowing us to tape on campus,” said Ellis. Noyes, the weekend meteorologist for New England Cable News (NECN), and Jecoliah Ellis, communications program manager for the American Red Cross, teamed up to interview students for a commercial that will air on NECN. The commercial will be used to promote blood donation in New England, and specifically promote the American Red Cross Blood Drive. Students were attracted to the groups of cameras, with some asking Noyes if they could act in the video and others clustering around the filming. “There were cameras located right outside of Commons. It looked like there were interviews being conducted, but it was difficult to tell specifically what the interviews were about,” said Pearson Goodman ’13. While Ellis and Noyes conducted their interviews, Phillips Academy students and faculty members could blood to the American Red Cross through stations in the Den. This year, NECN and American Red Cross have teamed up for a seventh consecutive time to create video infomercials to make people aware of the “Celebrate the Gift of Life” blood drive. Noyes had already reported on a number of blood drive junctions for NECN. According to the American Red Cross’ website, Noyes broadcasted live to all of New England from the Dedham Donor Center on February 3. During the telecast, Noyes interviewed Cross officials, blood donors and recipients in an effort to increase awareness for the need for blood. “This is your chance to make a difference. Every unit of donated blood can save up to three lives. It’s our opportunity to help each other out as a New England family. We need you, donate blood, make a difference,” said Noyes in a report in Dedham, Massachusetts. The “Celebrate the Gift of Life” blood drive raised over 2,000 units of blood for the second year in a row. “We at NECN were happy to leverage our region-wide presence for this very important effort. To raise more than 2,000 units of blood again this year in the face of another stormy week is a testament to our great and caring viewers around the region,” said Bill Bridgen, NECN Executive Vice President and General Manager in a report on the American Red Cross website. Growing up and while attending Phillips Academy, Noyes said always wanted to be a meteorologist and advocate about issues to the public.