The Eighth Page

Exeter Released Grasshoppers on School in Misinterpretation Of Andover’s “Grasshopper Night”

In an effort to spice things up, Exeter’s Theatre and Dance department decided to take a page out of Andover’s book, copying their idea for a student based talent show, Grasshopper night. Due to a miscommunication, however, the Exeter staff did not fully grasp the concept. At first they released crickets all over the campus. Although they were very proud and everyone at Exeter said that it was the most fun they’ve had in years, they soon realized that they had made an egregious error. They then again released grasshoppers all over the campus, and although some students didn’t appreciate this as much, it was still voted second most memorable moment of the year, only barely losing to that time that crickets were released all over campus. Finally, the academy had a major breakthrough. One of the students, Wallaby Corganspiel ’13, a boarder from Andover, MA has a friend who once went to Andover’s Grasshopper night. Said friend revealed to him the secrets behind the show, and thus Exeter’s talent show, renamed Tortellini Evening, was born. Last Saturday, at 7:00p.m. in the evening, this performance took place. It could only last for half an hour so that students could get back for sign in, but it still rocked the house. One act included a boy named Jeffrey Gorgonzol’14, doing a rousing impression of his roommate Henry. Unfortunately, no one else had ever met Henry, who rarely leaves his room, so no one could judge how accurate the impression actually was. Up next, Tyrone Taeetweer ’12, a boarder from Walla Walla, Washington, sneezed like 15 times in a row. Needless to say, a few people were impressed. To finish it off, three students, whose names escape me, did this thing where they all got up on stage and looked liked they were about to perform something. One of them then threw up, another burst into tears and the final one soiled himself. Believe it or not, this was not scripted. It was totally improvisational! How cool! The most talked about thing on campus besides that one time a clique of cute girls mistook the Exeter Regional Dance for the Andover Dance (needless to say they vacated quickly after discovering the truth). Tortellini Evening is sure to become an Exeter tradition, just like bringing your calculator to senior prom.