
Despite Return of Keating ’10, Andover Suffers Close Loss to Exeter

Just a few minutes into Friday night’s game against Exeter, Emily Little ‘09 received a pass in front of the net and dodged her Exeter defender to score, putting Andover on the board first. This was Andover’s second year in a row playing away at Exeter, and this year’s game began just like last year’s with Andover taking the lead first. But despite a great effort, the Girls Lacrosse team lost in its final game of the season by a score of 14-12. After Andover dominated the first few minutes of the game, Exeter roared back with an impressive play. Just a minute after Andover scored, Exeter set up a play in the offensive zone and beat Andover goalie Co-Captain Kaitlin Gaiss ’09. With this momentum, Exeter kept the ball in the Andover defensive zone and added two more goals to put them up 3-1. Coming back for her first game since a mid-season injury, Kyleigh Keating ’10 proved to be a force on the field as she added two goals of her own in the first half. For the remainder of the half, both teams battled in a fast paced game that carried the players up and down the field. At the end of the first half, Exeter held a 9-7 lead. Going into the last half of their seasons, both teams came out with intensity. Exeter got on the board quick, extending its lead to three goals. Co-Captain Alissa Fromkin ’09 helped lead the Andover comeback as she received the ball in the corner of the field and spun around, barely getting off a shot to beat the Exeter goalie. The scoring did not stop there, as Andover quickly responded with another goal from Emily Kowal ’09. With just over eleven minutes left to play in the game, the score was knotted at 12. From that point on, the game turned into a defensive battle as Gaiss came up with amazing saves at crucial times. The rest of the defense was forced to use its quick feet and body positioning to shut down the fast Exeter offense. After 12 goals, Andover remained scoreless while Exeter buried two more goals before the end of the game. Kaitlyn McInnis ’09 said, “Even though we didn’t get the result that we wanted in the end, I had a great time in my last lacrosse game at Andover.” She continued, “This year has been so much fun, and I have really enjoyed spending time with all of the girls on the team.”