
Student Council Updates

Interscholastic Relations The Interscholastic Relations Subcommittee, led by Eddie Diaz ’07, is working on developing a list of peer school contacts. The projected list currently will have over fifteen schools. About half of them have been contacted. GW Renovation The GW Renovation Subcommittee recently received the renovation floor plans, created by a hired professional interior designer. Akosua Oforiwaa-Ayim ’07 and Maura Mulroy ’07, the heads of the subcommittee, also addressed the issue of budget. The current Abbot grant for the project allots $15,000, while the projected costs are approximately $20,000. Student Council members have not decided how to acquire the remainder, but they are considering possibly using the senior gift or part of the remaining $2 million from the $5 million that Mr. Israel has recently generously donated. It has also been decided that the furniture will not be bolted down, thus making the GW mailroom a more flexible area. Blue Pages The Blue Pages Subcommittee, headed by Jim Elder ’07, will have the copy of the Blue Pages from two years ago updated by spring term. The Blue Pages is a pamphlet with information for Andover students, such as dorm locations and local restaurant phone numbers. Subcommittee members will reconvene after the update is complete. They will then possibly discuss adding new material, with the goal of having a new Blue Pages in every student mailbox next fall. Presidential Elections After the first round of voting, the field has been narrowed from twenty-four to thirteen candidates. Although only twelve were originally going to make it to the second round of voting, the number of votes for the twelfth and thirteenth candidates was too close to eliminate the possibility of a counting error. The next round of voting will take place next Tuesday, February 20, to narrow the field to six candidates. All voting from now on will be online in order to help prevent counting errors and increase participation. Ryley Room As part of the proposed Commons renovation plan, Ryley Room will be redesigned and improved. So far, very few details about the project have been decided on. Several ideas were put on the table during the meeting, including healthier food options, a bigger stage, moveable furniture, an arcade room, a pool table, etc. Other issues that were discussed were the room’s atmosphere, whether or not Ryley could potentially be a study spot during the day, and whether or not a small terrace would be a good idea. New Student Council Meeting Format Although Student Council meetings are theoretically open to the public, the council decided to use their $300 PSPA grant to increase community participation. Sometime at the beginning of spring term, Student Council plans to hold a town-government style meeting. The Council has not yet decided on the time or place of this meeting. Using the PSPA grant, Student Council will provide food as an incentive to amass some of the general student body for a broader range of opinions and student input.