
Mundra Appointed Associate Dean of Students

Rajesh Mundra, Dean of Pine Knoll Cluster and Instructor in Biology, will assume the role of Associate Dean of Students starting in the 2015-2016 school year. Mundra will leave his current position as Cluster Dean, but he will continue to teach biology courses.

“It is an exciting opportunity to use my Cluster Dean experience as well as other experiences I have had to contribute to student support programming,” said Mundra, “With many ideas being discussed related to the Strategic Plan and [Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center] and other areas of the school, I want to help various initiatives integrate into the Dean of Students office work.”

After starting his Andover career as a Teaching Fellow in Biology in 1991, Mundra has served as Dean of Pine Knoll Cluster for the past two years, as well as Director of the Niswarth Program. He was also Assistant Dean of the Office of Community and Multicultural Development (CAMD) and a House Counselor in Rockwell, the largest Junior boys’ dorm, for 11 years.

As Associate Dean of Students, Mundra will continue to work with the other Cluster Deans, as well as the student support offices and Jennifer Elliott, Dean of Abbot Cluster, who will become Dean of Students next year.

“I look forward to working with [Elliott] on many short-and long-term projects including developing frameworks for our residential program, reviewing our housing process, developing community building programs with students and other projects that will meet the emerging needs of our community,” said Mundra.

Mundra will support the Cluster Deans in various ways, including organizing programming with students and house counselors, and collaborate with Isham Health Center, Graham House, CAMD, Academic Skills Center and the Dean of Studies Office.

Although he is excited for his new role as Associate Dean of Students, Mundra said that leaving the Pine Knoll cluster was one of the hardest parts about making his decision.

“My family and I love the [Pine Knoll] community – the genuine spirit, collective compassion and desire to take care of each other. I have learned so much about student well-being from their collective wisdom, perspectives and experiences,” said Mundra.

While serving as Dean of Pine Knoll Cluster, Mundra said that he particularly enjoyed working with different students during Cluster Council, Blue Key Head meetings, proctor/prefect meetings and disciplinary cases.

“I also have a deep sense of gratitude to be working with an amazing group of house counselors in Fuess, Nathan Hale, Stevens, Stimson and Stuart. I will always carry with me the [Pine Knoll] goals of truth, trust and thankfulness,” said Mundra.

Mundra will succeed Carlos Hoyt, current Associate Dean of Students for Personal and Community Education, Psychological Counselor and PACE Coordinator, who was unavailable for comment.

Correction: January 16, 2015
An earlier version of this article misstated the title that Mundra will assume and Hoyt currently holds. It is Associate Dean of Students, not Assistant. Mundra will assume the position in the 2015-2016 school year. The article also misstated Hoyt’s title as counselor. It is Psychological Counselor, not Graham House Counselor.