
10 Questions with Ingrid Kupka

Ingrid Kupka is an instructor in the Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science department, and an Outdoor Pursuits coach who specializes in hiking and canoeing. Before joining Andover in 2018, Kupka lived in Canada. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching TV, walking, and skiing.

If you could teach a totally random, non-math-related class at Andover, what would it be?

A class on how to relax, because I’m really good [at] not doing a lot and relaxing, and I don’t think a lot of students here have mastered that. So [learning] not to take things too seriously. Or maybe a class like canoeing, because even though I do it with outdoor pursuits, it feels like more of an activity than a teaching, and that’s something I could actually teach people how to do, [because] I am confident in it.

How do you approach teaching complex subjects to make them more engaging and understandable for students?

I wish I did this more, but I really sit down and think about how I came to understand something, and I try to ask them the questions that made the connections for me. I don’t want to lecture them and just tell them, because often when people just tell you stuff, you don’t really listen. I try to ask questions that are going to make them think, and lead them towards understanding. There’s this impression that [math is] a marker of intelligence, and I really don’t ascribe to that. If you like it, then pursue it and there’s lots of opportunities for you if you have those skills or you learn that stuff. But if you don’t like it, that’s okay too, it doesn’t mean anything.

What’s the most surprising part about working with students and colleagues at Andover, and is there a moment that felt the most rewarding?

The math department is super collaborative, which I really appreciate, so I’ve learned a lot from my colleagues. At Andover, I taught courses that I’ve never taught before, and only through the help of my colleagues was I able to do it. Working with the students has just been great. I’ve worked at a lot of different kinds of schools and the motivation that kids have here is unusual. It’s also cool that they come from all over the place. I grew up in Canada, which isn’t that foreign, but it’s fun to see kids from my hometown, which I never really expected while working in the States. The ability to really concentrate on teaching and to have, for lack of a better word, rich conversations with students about math is the most rewarding. It’s not really a specific moment, but my first year of teaching MTH650, I was really nervous, because I hadn’t even thought about the material since I was in college. I just happened to have a very strong class mathematically, but they were also very generous students and [it was] fun to be almost learning together.

Could you explain more about your role in Outdoor Pursuits and what the students and yourself gain from these experiences?

[My role] is not exactly coaching. It depends on the instructor, but it’s more about creating an experience in the outdoors for students and making sure that there’s safety and that they know what they’re doing. I do hiking. There are some technical skills, but not that much, so it’s less teaching. When I do canoeing, I do try to teach them a little bit about how to canoe and how to carry the canoes. Being outdoors, there’s something about spending a big chunk of time outside that is intrinsically rewarding. I’ve done it since I was a kid. I went to summer camps and it brings peace and relaxes people, especially if you’re exerting yourself [during a] tough hike or a longer canoe day. It’s that mixture of physical activity and fresh air [that is] really nice. The groups are small, so you really get to know each other, and I think it’s nice for the kids to make this connection.

Where’s your favorite place that you’ve travelled to in outdoor pursuits?

We canoeed on this island that was pretty close to the shoreline, but still you had to paddle out to it in Newfound Lake in New Hampshire. The students really liked it and I did too. It was fun to be on an island, and we camped overnight there. I’ve done some hikes with Dr. Slater, who’s the director of the program, and he has a lot of knowledge about the White Mountains. He’s taking us on some pretty spectacular hikes. We did an overnight to Zealand Hut, we night hiked up to the hut, which is a rare thing to do and it was really fun.

What skiing have you done in the past and do you have a favorite place to ski?

I like to ski, but I haven’t been doing much of it. I like downhill skiing and some cross-country. [My favorite place to ski is] the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec. I just went there over spring break. My half brother lives out there in the winter. I didn’t ski this time, but I did some snow shoeing, and it was really fun. I like snow.

Can you share a particularly memorable moment from one of your outdoor trips?

There was the time I jack-knifed a canoe trailer and the kids had to unhook [the canoe] and turn it around for me. That was pretty memorable. That night hike, we all turned off our flashlights when we were in this bog on a boardwalk and the stars were really spectacular.

Do you have a favorite book to read or a book you would recommend?

Wallace Stegner, and it’s called Angle of Repose. It takes place in the West and I don’t like anything that has fantasy, so it’s very realistic. I like the West. I’ve never lived there, but there’s stories about it. It’s a book that creates a very vivid picture of a place, and I really enjoy it.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from someone?

My mom used to tell me to “buck up” a lot in high school and it worked. I just knew when she said that, I had to get going and do something. Because sometimes if you wallow a little too much, it’s just good to get the advice to get going and start, and things will improve.

Looking ahead, what are some goals or projects you’re excited to work on at Andover?

I want to keep changing what I teach. There’s such a wide variety of courses here. I’ve been doing the same kind of courses for a few years now and I [want to] maybe teach computer science or learn some computer science first, and then teach it. I really know nothing about it and it seems like a shame.