
The Quest for Non Sibi

Due to the ambitious nature of many Andover students, much of our community operates under the belief that success must be valued above all. Many students believe that ambition is directly proportional to a student’s growth — those who relentlessly push their limits are more likely to succeed. While this mindset does help students excel, it also prompts them to disregard our school’s core principle: non sibi – “not for self,” ultimately leading to harm for the overall community. Non sibi itself is important to uphold as it shows us the importance of community and strengthening our connections by creating a culture of empathy and support. Even before the first days of school, many faculty reinforce the idea that Andover is all about the people. Non sibi itself is a way to guide students towards helping, and consequently, lead to the well-being of all. To thrive in a place like Andover, students must actively seek out a balance between pursuing their personal ambition and their responsibility to care for others, as this not only fosters personal growth but also strengthens the entire community.

Ambition does not come without reason. Andover is known to be rigorous, thus attracting many ambitious people to apply. The extreme competition at Andover pushes students to act on their self-interest, rather than for the good of others, as a way to emerge on top. For example, the college admissions process at Andover is incredibly intense due to the talented student body dedicating a great amount of time and effort to go to the right college. This environment pushes students to their limits, which can strengthen their work ethic and resilience. Yet the constant competition, debilitating amount of work, and the pressure to over-perform causes Andover students to prioritize their individual goals over community service and helping others, especially in comparison to a stress-free environment. Instead, the attention and appeal shift to more ‘quantifiable’ acts. For instance, grades, awards, and titles. These measures are held in the limelight and are more ideal than selfless acts, as many students do not realize that both can be equally powerful and acted upon at the same time. As a result, when students prioritize the quantifiable acts, they oppose the principles of non sibi, which is the very foundation of this school.

However, what most people do not realize is that self-interest does not inherently contradict non sibi, and that they can both be fulfilled when balanced. One example of this can be seen in community service projects. The projects usually start out as selfless acts, but can also help students themselves, all while benefiting others. For instance the school led community service programs. They help the community through various different programs—this is the epitome of non sibi.  For instance, people across the world who receive this support are often able to gain hope and even overcome challenges, and they are immensely impacted by kind actions. Community service also provides benefits that come naturally with selfless acts. For example, it could encourage your personal growth, such as leadership and teamwork skills. These skills are essential in future careers, contributing to personal success. Yet, you are able to reap these skills while also serving your community. Success isn’t always individual; rather it can be measured on how you help others. By this definition of success, personal and collective achievements will always intertwine.

Andover students can integrate both aspects into their lives in the form of peer tutoring. By tutoring their peers, students can improve their intellectual skills and teaching abilities while also mentoring and helping others in the process. Another example is residential positions like prefects and proctors. In these positions, you can help mentor younger students while gaining leadership and authoritative skills. A final example can be much simpler acts such as helping your friends with their tasks or picking up trash around campus. These subtle things can help you improve your sense of responsibility and empathy. There are countless ways Andover students can help serve their community while still building the necessary skills for their future success. 

Selflessness and personal success are not mutually exclusive. Together, they illustrate that the idea of non sibi doesn’t necessitate complete self-sacrifice. It does not mean to help others all the time while forsaking your gains. Non sibi means to balance your personal success while contributing to something larger. At a competitive place like Andover, we are pushed toward self-interest. Yet, there are many meaningful and fulfilling ways to serve the community in the process. The real challenge is redirecting ambition to align with Andover’s values. The quest for non sibi, the quest for “not for self,” can lead to personal and collective success so long as we recognize the importance of balance between ambition and selflessness.