Mercan Draman ’26
INs: Writing in my diary more. Manifesting. Sleeping in on Saturdays (and more in general). Posting on social media. Taking more pictures. Doing hair masks. Having more fun, stressing less, and appreciating the little things in life.
OUTs: Picking at my face. Stressing in general and overthinking what other people do. Dressing really bummy regularly. Being stressed all the time.
Phia Cutler ’26
INs: Saying yes to more things that my friends ask me or events on campus. Having a more positive mindset about relationships. Thinking optimistically.
OUTs: Procrastination (I’m trying to get my work done earlier!). Wearing sweats and sweatpants every day (I’m trying to spice up my wardrobe). A lot of jewelry.
Katelin B Lewellen, Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
INs: More relaxing and laughing with friends and family. More time spent outside just for the fun of it, even though it’s cold. Connections.
OUTs: Worrying about the little things.
Francesca Dizon ’26
INs: Eight hours of sleep, or going to sleep before midnight (I want to set clear deadlines for myself throughout my day. I spend so much time doing certain tasks and such little time sleeping. If I tell myself I need to go to bed by midnight, I think everything would get done a lot more efficiently and I would have more time to rest).
OUTs: Energy drinks and being lazy. Achieving a balance between work and free time. Cheetah print.