
Bringing Politics to Andover

Arthur Constant ‘25

I don’t know much about politics in general, but I’ve been trying to stay informed about the 2024 US presidential election. I rely mainly on Brazilian news portals for an international perspective and PBS for a domestic perspective. What interests me most is how the presidential candidates address social [issues] and environmental justice.

Sophia Liu ‘27

I’m not very informed on American politics. I don’t really look at any of the news regarding that. I’m most drawn to how the 2024 candidates would handle school shootings because I have seen a lot of videos on the internet about the increase in school shootings. I’m interested in how they would make America a safer place.

Mercan Draman ‘26

I’ve been a little bit more informed this year just because my history class specifically has talked a lot about the Constitution. Also with the election coming up I try to educate myself a lot more. Because of how strict immigration is in America and because I know firsthand how hard the immigration process, I’m looking at the different candidate’s perspectives on immigration in America

Izzy Park ‘26

1. I am relatively informed about the election and how the government works in general, but I pay more attention to foreign policy than domestic.

2. My interests aren’t particularly influenced by my status as an international student, and I’m not paying close attention to the election as I don’t have a direct stake or influence in it.